• We accept documents written only in English from around the world. Please send as E-mail attachments for Microsoft Word, Pages, OpenOffice and as unlocked PDF. File types: .doc, .pdf, .txt and .rtf. Other writing software may require that we print the document, make corrections by hand, scan and E-mail the work to you for approval.
  • For Microsoft Word documents we use the Track Changes tool, allowing you to preview, accept or reject changes. This saves time and eliminates new typing errors.
  • Print your edited document and review it. Minor rewrite changes are free, major changes cost more.
  • For Web pages we print the document, make corrections (not HTML text), scan and E-mail the work for your review.
  • You may join the editing process; however, your document then becomes subject to delay and the probability that other projects may receive attention while yours is in suspense.


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