Cost depends on subject matter, expertise required and length. 

  • 2-Page business letter -- rewrite $105; proofread $65
  • 9-page Speech -- audibly review, rewrite $575; proofread $28
  • Instruction Manual -- rewrite $70 per page
  • 10-page Proposal -- rewrite $589; proofread $257
  • 10-page Web site -- rewrite (not in HTML) $490; proofread $290
  • 15-page Directorate Summary -- rewrite $530; proofread $218
  • 23-page Securities Summary -- rewrite $722; proofread $345
  • 28-page Business Plan -- rewrite $826; proofread $515
  • 56-page Financial Report -- rewrite $3,821; proofread $2,895
  • 98-page Technical Manual -- rewrite $5,324; proofread $3,855
  • Book (novel only) manuscripts receive minimal editing; proofread only is $9 per page 

Minimum is $32 per project. Payment for projects of 20+ pages requires three equal payments as work progresses. Less than 20-page projects require 50% in advance and 50% at completion. Manual (hand) editing costs more. Add 25% for RUSH projects. 

We prefer E-mail attachment for expediency but will use Post Office, FedEx, UPS or DHL at client request (shipping charge applies). SECURED SITE, INC. is our SSL provider. All client document content is confidential; a confidentiality agreement is available upon request. Credit information is never shared, including with WordCraft Associates personnel.


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